“Pull up a chair in the virtual coffee shop as Mark Carbone speaks one-on-one with interesting guests who are working for change in their schools, districts and communities. Mark is a long time Ontario educator and, although retired, continues to go out and seek the conversations that are going to change the way we think about education. Casual and comfortable. Bring your own cup!”
Here’s Mark Carbone again, doing what he does best…getting educational resources out to every corner of the country by interviewing those who are doing exceptional things in the school systems. Mark has always been one step ahead of the curve in pursuing his dream of teaching technology to overcome barriers that prevent kids from achieving success and thinking outside of the box.
Here’s the link to the first podcast that Mark did with 4 the Luv of Food (now called The Balance Factor) and below is the link to this most recent podcast and the Gr 3, 5, & 8 teacher resources.
In this podcast, he interviews Grade 8 teacher, Mackenzie Malarczyk, who has developed a math unit that addresses ratios, quantities, unit rates, percentages, and fractions through the idea of balancing nutrients. Using Canada’s food guide and the Nutritional Facts label, Ms. Malarczyk has discovered an exciting and unique approach to learning math through planning a virtual dinner party, having a budget and experiencing a trip to the grocery store. Ms. Malarczyk has developed a primary (Gr. 3) and junior (Gr. 5) math unit to help educate students and consequently, their families on eating a balanced diet.