Category: Balance Factor

Balance Factor

Ohhhh Shhhhhugar, It’s Tempting!

You know that feeling that is so hard to resist. You think “just one more” then you’ll stop and use some restraint next time. But it happens again – not on a regular basis but in moments when no one is looking, or when you think you’ve earned it. Wait! What are we talking about

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Balance Factor

The Kind(er) Choice

Who doesn’t love peanut butter and chocolate together?  KIND bars have captured that perfect combination in, not 2, but 3 of their bars.  KIND has a Peanut Butter and Dark Chocolate Healthy Grains Bar, a Dark Chocolate and Peanut Butter Healthy Grains Bar, and a Peanut Butter and Dark Chocolate Bar. How on earth do

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Balance Factor

The Virtual Coffee Shop with Mark Carbone – Session 18

“Pull up a chair in the virtual coffee shop as Mark Carbone speaks one-on-one with interesting guests who are working for change in their schools, districts and communities. Mark is a long time Ontario educator and, although retired, continues to go out and seek the conversations that are going to change the way we think

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Why Do We Overeat?

Here’s a trick question for you…Why do we overeat? Is it sugar addiction?  No willpower? There isn’t an oversized person out there who wouldn’t simply say that they just can’t help it.  Sounds defeatist, but in a way they’re right.  The holier than thou BODY encourages us to overeat to avoid starvation.  But here’s the

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Balance Factor

What to Expect from Using the Balance Factor

Week 1 / Week 2 – Metabolism Adjustment Adjust your calories to meet your Caloric Goal. It may take two to three weeks (or longer) to feel comfortable increasing your calories to reach your daily caloric goal and start the fat burning process. Don’t rush this process. Balance all your meals using the Balance Factor. Let your

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Balance Factor

The 80:10:10 Rule

“Hey Balance Factor, what do you think of (type in the latest) diet?” The Balance Factor: This is our favourite question! We have adapted the ‘80:20 rule’ into the ‘80:10:10 rule’ to answer this one properly. Inevitably, the likelihood of something being effective is dependent on the 80:10:10 rule where; 80% of the population will

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Balance Factor

It Seems Counter-Intuitive to Eat Fat to Lose Fat!

Fat is an essential part of healthy eating and you can use dietary fat (with or without protein) to balance those carbohydrates. By using the Balance Factor (BF), any food you chose to eat can be brought close to a BF of 0 or less (if you so choose) by simply adding a healthy fat

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Balance Factor

Are Your Cravings Driving You Crazy?

Contrary to popular belief, cravings have nothing to do with a lack of willpower. We crave sleep, sun and alone time simply because we need it. It’s no different when we crave food, especially salty, sweet and savoury ones. Why do we think we can get by on less food than we require? Perhaps it

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