Category: Nutritional Value

Body Chemistry

Why are Comfort Foods, so Comforting?

Comfort foods are calorie dense and nutrient specific. When our bodies encourage us to eat comfort foods, it is looking for calories and more specifically, a certain type of them. We crave those comfort food calories because there is something…increased stress, lack of sleep, cold temperatures, fighting off infection, or simply skipping a meal… that

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Balance Factor

The Kind(er) Choice

Who doesn’t love peanut butter and chocolate together?  KIND bars have captured that perfect combination in, not 2, but 3 of their bars.  KIND has a Peanut Butter and Dark Chocolate Healthy Grains Bar, a Dark Chocolate and Peanut Butter Healthy Grains Bar, and a Peanut Butter and Dark Chocolate Bar. How on earth do

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Balance Factor

The Virtual Coffee Shop with Mark Carbone – Session 18

“Pull up a chair in the virtual coffee shop as Mark Carbone speaks one-on-one with interesting guests who are working for change in their schools, districts and communities. Mark is a long time Ontario educator and, although retired, continues to go out and seek the conversations that are going to change the way we think

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Putting Value in the Foods You Crave!

Q: What foods do you crave? “Mine would be a square of dark chocolate after dinner- here’s my problem – I don’t keep it in the house because a square can become half a bar. Suggestions?” A: There is only one reason that you can’t resist overeating a food!   LOW BLOOD SUGAR! Don’t believe

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What’s In Season? – Avocados!

Lucky for us, the fruit highest (per ounce) in protein, potassium, magnesium, folic acid, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, biotin, pantothenic acid, vitamin E, and vitamin K is in season and available to North Americans almost year round. It’s the avocado and depending on the type, we can find them reasonably priced in the grocery store from

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Blood Sugar Stabilization

A Sweet Post for Sweetheart’s Day!

If it wasn’t for the sweet molecule, glucose, we humans wouldn’t be alive! Our bodies make glucose out of the foods we eat so consuming those sweet foods in moderation is manageable for the body.  However, sweet foods like sugar, agave, honey, and maple syrup are not strictly made up of glucose.  Sugar is equal

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Food Science

What’s In Season? – Oh, My Darling Clementine

It’s truly amazing that a fruit like the clementine should come into season when the days are shortest and we need their health benefits the most.  The clementine originated in China thousands of years ago but has only been grown in the U.S. since 1909.  Unlike most fruit, it will not ripen once it has

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Blood Sugar Stabilization

Investing in a Healthy Body

The poor body! It never gets a break.  All it asks for is a little sleep, a little water, and a little food; just three macronutrients to be exact.  A balance of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats is required for nourishment, yet this relentless low carbohydrate movement seems to suggest otherwise. Minimizing carbs is great for

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Food Science

Chocolate Cake for Breakfast?

According to some of the greatest schools on Earth, anything goes!  This week the researchers at Tel Aviv University suggest “that eating [chocolate] cake regularly might just help a person to lose weight”.  Just for kicks, 4 the Luv of Food replaced the words ‘chocolate cake’ with the word ‘food’ to see how the article

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