Resources – The Virtual Coffee Shop with Mark Carbone – Session 12

“Pull up a chair in the virtual coffee shop as Mark Carbone speaks one-on-one with interesting guests who are working for change in their schools, districts and communities. Mark is a long time Ontario educator and, although retired, continues to go out and seek the conversations that are going to change the way we think about education. Casual and comfortable. Bring your own cup!”

Meet Mark Carbone.  He is one of those rare individuals who is changing the way the world thinks about education.  He is an innovative problem solver who listens to ideas and gets them out there on a variety of platforms.  Mark travels to northern Ontario providing educational content and resources to communities where it is geographically difficult to have teachers attend conferences.  He is always looking for ways to connect teachers and their ideas for inspiring the youth of today.  He was the first speaker at TEDxKitchenerEd and is the host of the Virtual Coffee Shop, a site where educators can hear what other educators are doing to enhance student success.   

From a chance meeting at a cooking class, I was fortunate to run into Mark and learn about his work.  Since that meeting, he has inspired me to get the Balance Factor into the Grade 8 Math, English, and Health programs across the province.  Nothing, however, has been more fun than being invited onto his Virtual Coffee Shop with Mark and special guest, Stephen Hurley from VoicED Radio. Thanks, Mark and Stephen!

Here’s the link to the podcast:


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