Surviving the Survival Mechanism
It shouldn’t be a surprise that North Americans have failed to overcome this obesity epidemic with dieting. Humans have an innate, survival mechanism that…
Tools & Solutions • Sustainability
It shouldn’t be a surprise that North Americans have failed to overcome this obesity epidemic with dieting. Humans have an innate, survival mechanism that…
Last Friday, a section of California’s Hwy 1 road system collapsed into the ocean. Though the area had been recently hit by heavy rains, the cause of the collapse was precipitated by years of run-off and underground erosion that had gone undetected. Next steps for California’s Department of Transportation were… Prevent any more damage from
The new Canadian Obesity Guidelines published last Tuesday (Aug. 4, 2020) make a clear statement that “Obesity Matters”. Dr. Sean Wharton, co-lead author of the guidelines is championing the notion that obesity is a chronic disease and that the stigma around obesity must be curbed. In this article, he states “We’re going to more so
Q: What foods do you crave? “Mine would be a square of dark chocolate after dinner- here’s my problem – I don’t keep it in the house because a square can become half a bar. Suggestions?” A: There is only one reason that you can’t resist overeating a food! LOW BLOOD SUGAR! Don’t believe
One take home message from this COVID experience is that staying healthy means adopting lifestyle behaviours that are sustainable. For example, we certainly cannot self-isolate forever, but we can justify staying home when we know we are sick. We certainly cannot wear a mask in public indefinitely, but we can remember to wear a mask
There’s a lot wrong with the legend of the Sabines – a group of wives, sisters, and mothers of an Italic people who lived in the central Apennine Mountains just north of Rome. Legend has it that the Romans held a mock competition and abducted the woman of Sabine on the 18th of August 753
Is it bad to do 18 hours of intermittent fasting every day? For some people, eating all their daily calories within a 6-hour window is ideal. These are people who, for whatever reason, have the genetic make-up or a circumstantial issue that limits the time in which they can digest enough food. For the rest
If it wasn’t for the sweet molecule, glucose, we humans wouldn’t be alive! Our bodies make glucose out of the foods we eat so consuming those sweet foods in moderation is manageable for the body. However, sweet foods like sugar, agave, honey, and maple syrup are not strictly made up of glucose. Sugar is equal
“It’s unfortunate that coconut oil has been given this health halo” says the latest human nutrition expert. Here we go again! Nutrition advice about a food that is bad, then good, then bad to eat. In CBC news, a recent article makes the same old argument about foods, like coconut oil that are naturally high
The average 20-33 year old male in 1944 consumed approximately 700 calories more per day than our present-day males of the same age. It was the quality of food rather than the quantity of food that made up those extra calories. Whole eggs, butter and cream were preferred over egg whites, margarine and dessert toppings. There
What exactly does ‘low-carb’ infer? 30% carbs or 20% carbs or 5% carbs relative to 70% or 80% or 95% fats and proteins, respectively? Suggesting someone eat low carb is as vague as suggesting someone drive at low speeds, cook at low temperatures and exercise at a low intensity all to achieve a healthier outcome.
There are 5 voluntary tasks that we as humans must do to keep the body alive. These are 1) drink fluids, 2) eat food, 3) sleep, 4) go to the bathroom, and 5) dress to maintain body temperature. The body has internal alarms set for all of them – 4 of which are loud and
You know that feeling that is so hard to resist. You think “just one more” then you’ll stop and use some restraint next time. But it happens again – not on a regular basis but in moments when no one is looking, or when you think you’ve earned it. Wait! What are we talking about
Comfort foods are calorie dense and nutrient specific. When our bodies encourage us to eat comfort foods, it is looking for calories and more specifically, a certain type of them. We crave those comfort food calories because there is something…increased stress, lack of sleep, cold temperatures, fighting off infection, or simply skipping a meal… that
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