Tag: water


Just Planting an Idea

It is important that we don’t offer simple nutritional advice at the risk that it may do more harm than good. A perfect example from the 1970’s, was Health Canada suggesting fat intake be reduced from 40% of one’s daily calories to a healthier 35%. The result was a ‘low fat/fat free’ movement that accelerated

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Body Chemistry

Burning Body Fat will Drive You to Drink!

Burning body fat is a process that requires the body to hydrate stored fat to move it out! This is why burning body fat is about size reduction and NOT about weight reduction. When the body wants to use your fat stores for energy, it gets you to drink…and drink…and drink. This is the under

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Body Chemistry

Where Did Those Two Pounds Come From?

It’s summer and the healthy thing for the body to do is sweat.  Sweating is the body’s natural response to cool itself down.  The body produces water, transfers the heat to the water and moves the heated water out of the body.  The body uses this recipe to make sweat: 2 hydrogen molecules mixed with

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