Dietary Fat Blog Posts

Dietary Fat

Is Your Hard Canadian Butter Really That Big of a Deal?

The late Dr. Mary Enig, renowned for her expertise on fats, nailed it when she called her book, Know Your Fats!  It’s not an easy read but if you can understand the chemistry of fatty acids – those molecules that make up fats – you will understand why this issue around Canadians thinking their hard

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Body Chemistry

Ben Greenfield on “Why You Are Not Losing Fat…”

This article by Ben Greenfield is chockful of ‘aha’ moments for why you might be holding onto excess body fat even though you are exercising and eating good foods.   “Ben Greenfield is a biohacker, human body and brain performance coach, ex-bodybuilder, Ironman triathlete, professional Spartan athlete, anti-aging consultant, speaker and author of the New

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Body Chemistry

How We Got It Wrong: Saturated Fat and Heart Disease

Still confused about whether saturated fat intake can increase your risk of heart disease? It’s not a surprise as there are articles being posted every day with arguments from both sides. This excellent article explains how saturated fat got its bad rap and why there is less reason to be alarmed by including some in

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Body Chemistry

Saturated Fat and the Thermostat

“It’s unfortunate that coconut oil has been given this health halo” says the latest human nutrition expert.  Here we go again! Nutrition advice about a food that is bad, then good, then bad to eat.  In CBC news, a recent article makes the same old argument about foods, like coconut oil that are naturally high

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Blood Sugar Stabilization

Investing in a Healthy Body

The poor body! It never gets a break.  All it asks for is a little sleep, a little water, and a little food; just three macronutrients to be exact.  A balance of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats is required for nourishment, yet this relentless low carbohydrate movement seems to suggest otherwise. Minimizing carbs is great for

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Balance Factor

It Seems Counter-Intuitive to Eat Fat to Lose Fat!

Fat is an essential part of healthy eating and you can use dietary fat (with or without protein) to balance those carbohydrates. By using the Balance Factor (BF), any food you chose to eat can be brought close to a BF of 0 or less (if you so choose) by simply adding a healthy fat

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Dietary Fat

Dietary Fats – The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

This article does a great job of explaining the downside of refined vegetable oils chemically known as polyunsaturated fats. The late Dr. Mary Enig, unquestionably one of the brightest scientists in understanding dietary fats, noted that the body requires only about 4.5% of fat calories to be from polyunsaturated fats; the remaining will be a

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Dietary Fat

Staying Off the Dairy/Gluten/Soy-Free Bandwagon

It happens without warning. Foods eaten over an entire lifetime or praised for their nutritional benefits can suddenly trigger an acute inflammatory response. Typically, abdominal discomfort and digestive issues occur and the finger gets pointed at the usual suspects: dairy, gluten, and/or soy. Is jumping on the dairy/gluten/soy-free bandwagon the right answer?  Not necessarily. Understanding

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