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Roadblocks: Why can’t you sustain a healthy eating style?
Choose one Roadblock:
Roadblock 1 - “I have a poor relationship with food.”
a) Do you believe there are ‘good’ foods and ‘bad’ foods?
b) Do you label some foods as treats?
c) Do you reserve special foods for times you are not worrying about eating healthy?
Roadblock 2 - “My work schedule doesn’t allow me to eat at regular mealtimes.”
a) Does your day lack set breaks and lunch hours?
b) Does your schedule change due to shift work?
c) Do you prioritize your work over your need to eat?
Roadblock 3 - “I don’t trust that my body knows how to eat right.”
a) Are you wondering why diets work for others but not you?
b) Are you unsure as to what to eat to optimize your health?
c) Do you struggle with how to eat to achieve your ideal size?
Roadblock 4 - “I always fall off the wagon when I try to diet or keep up an exercise routine.”
a) Are you always starting over when you veer from your diet or exercise plan?
b) Do you lose your willpower to continue after a few weeks of dieting and exercising?
c) Do you blame foods at special occasions or on weekends for throwing you off your diet?
Roadblock 5 - “I grew up without knowing the importance of the meal and of eating together.”
a) Is eating a low priority in your life?
b) Would you rather have someone tell you what to eat or someone else prepare your meals?
c) Do you think sharing a meal with others is over-rated and a thing of the past?
Roadblock 6 - “I don’t seem to know when, what, why, and how much to eat.”
a) Do you lack hunger or fullness / satiety cues?
b) Does your body crave foods that you don’t think are healthy?
c) Do you always seem to need to snack at nighttime?
Roadblock 7 - “I eat poorly when I am physically, mentally, or emotionally stressed.”
a) When your day goes off the rails, do you reach for food to feel better?
b) Do you reward yourself with food?
c) Do you use food as a reward for accomplishing a task?
Roadblock 8 - “I forget to eat then turn to poor eating choices with no willpower to stop.”
a) Do you lose control of your appetite late in the day?
b) Are there certain foods you avoid purchasing because you know will binge on them?
Roadblock 9 - “When I eat, I don’t feel well, and everything hurts. Food makes me feel uncomfortable and/or fat.”
a) Do you intentionally leave out certain foods from your diet because they leave you uncomfortable?
b) Do you try to eat only ‘clean’ and ‘healthy’ foods to help minimize inflammation?
c) Do you avoid eating the foods your body wants to eat because you don’t believe they are always healthy?
Roadblock 10 - “I don’t like to eat when I am not hungry. It seems counter-intuitive to trying to lose weight.”
a) Do you believe if you aren’t hungry then your body doesn’t need you to eat at that moment?
b) Do you believe in the idea that reducing calories facilitates weight loss?
c) Do you believe that skipping meals is the same as “intermittent fasting”?
Mindsets: What prevents you from sustaining a healthy eating style?
Choose one Mindset:
Mindset 1 - Doubting Thomas: “How can fat burning be all about the food ‘ratio’ and not about the food itself?”
a) Do you believe that losing weight is about avoiding foods like those high in sugar, fat, or salt?
b) Do you think the foods you like to eat are the reason you are unable to manage your weight?
c) Do you think that if you just loved ‘healthy’ food, you could manage your weight better?
Mindset 2 - Eating is a Low Priority: “I skip meals because I’m just too busy.”
a) Is it easy to skip breakfast and sometimes lunch because you just aren’t hungry until mid-afternoon?
b) Is it difficult to keep to a regular eating schedule because your days are always changing (i.e., shift work, travel, or an erratic schedule)?
c) Are there just not enough hours in your day to make and eat a ‘healthy’ meal that will help you lose weight?
Mindset 3 - No Willpower: “I can’t stop eating once I have started.”
a) Do you find it easier to avoid a “treat food” altogether than to limit yourself to only one piece / bite / portion of it?
b) Do you blame yourself for not being able to eat as healthy as you think you should?
c) Do you think some foods are addictive, making it difficult to stop eating them?
Mindset 4 - Eat Less Exercise More: “I just have to do better at dieting and exercising.”
a) Do you believe that filling up on low-calorie food (e.g., high fibre vegetables and grains) and burning calories through exercise is the best way to lean down?
b) Do you believe that doing a specific type of exercise will get you to your ideal size?
c) Do you believe that eating fewer calories will force your body to burn off your excess fat?
Mindset 5 - Meals Aren’t Important: It’s just easier to pick or eat all my calories at once.”
a) Do you think that calories react the same in the body no matter when you eat them, how you eat them, and what you eat them with?
b) Do you think that grazing all day on food is one way to keep your appetite under control and prevent excess or more weight gain?
c) Do you think sitting down to a meal is over-rated and not important for sustaining a healthy eating style?
Mindset 6 - But I’m Different: “It won’t work for me!”
a) Do you think that ‘healthy’ people just prefer healthier food and you can’t help what you like to eat?
b) Do think that most people would lean down if they could stick to a popular diet?
c) Do you think there is something about your body that just doesn’t work right making it hard for you to manage your weight?
Mindset 7 - All or Nothing: “I blew it! I’ll just start again tomorrow.”
a) Do you believe that ‘cheating’ on your diet reverses what the body has gained by dieting and requires you to start fresh to get back on track?
b) Do you believe the weight gain you see on the scale after a period of ‘less than healthy’ eating is unwanted body fat that now needs effort to be burned off?
c) Do you believe that achieving your ideal size requires having to be strict with a diet and/or an exercise program?
Mindset 8 - Just Tell me What to Eat: “I just don’t like to cook or plan ahead. Sometimes I wish I could just a take a pill instead.”
a) Do you think that following a pre-set meal plan with prepared meals is the answer to being able to reach your ideal size?
b) Do you believe that generally the same meal plan could be effective for most people?
c) Do you believe that enjoying what you eat is not important for sustaining a healthy eating style and achieving your ideal size?
Mindset 9 - Allergic to Everything: “I have an underlying condition and can only eat from limited food groups.”
a) Do you believe that being sensitive to a food (e.g., cheddar cheese) means that you are sensitive to the whole food group (e.g., dairy and all cheese)?
b) Do you believe that having a reaction to a food at this moment means you need to avoid that food forever?
c) Do you believe that eating only “healthy” foods will prevent inflammation?
Mindset 10 - Low Carb: “Don’t I need to eat low carbohydrate meals to lose weight?”
a) Do you believe that carbs are less important than fats and proteins and that you need to minimize them to be healthier?
b) Do you believe gluten from carbohydrates isn’t good for anyone?
c) Have you seen other people incur weight loss with a low-carb diet, or have you yourself once lost weight on a low-carb diet?
Mindset 11 - Healthy Eating is Expensive: “I’m on a limited income and can’t afford healthy foods.”
a) Do you believe healthy food is expensive because it’s better for you than less healthy food?
b) Do you feel pressure to buy produce even when it is out of season and expensive because it is considered healthier than frozen or canned food?
c) Do you choose ‘whole grains’ (less processed or sprouted) over traditional grains (e.g., baguette, pasta, white rice) even though you prefer the latter?
Identities: Who do you identify as to sustain a healthy eating style?
Choose one Identity:
Identity 1 - The Fasting Eater: “I will lengthen my fasting period to optimize my fat burning.”
a) Are you a doer and need to do more than just patiently wait for your body to burn body fat?
b) Are you still skeptical that fat burning requires some effort of willpower that fasting would provide?
c) Do you need to improve your insulin sensitivity to reduce a pre-diabetic or diabetic state?
Identity 2 - The Prepared Eater: “I will ensure I eat quick, calorie-dense meals for optimized productivity and appetite control throughout the day.”
a) Are you still not sure your body is sending proper cues to guide you towards healthy eating?
b) Do you need your meals to be quick, yet sufficient to meet your caloric goal and satiate you until the next time you eat?
c) Do you like the idea of tracking your calories before your day begins so that you don’t have to waste time on thinking about your upcoming meals?
Identity 3 - The Intentional Eater: “I will stop eating when I feel satiated – knowing that my body will not let me overeat, and that I can eat again when I need to.”
a) Are you still learning what your body wants to eat, how much it wants, and when it wants it?
b) Are you still learning to trust that your body will not lead you astray and that in time you can sustain an ideal size?
c) Are you someone who does not eat at home on a regular basis, eats out for work or social events, travels to different cultures, or does not make their own meals regularly?
Identity 4 - The Balanced Eater: “I will eat enough balanced calories to energize my body to drive activity.”
a) Do you want to be active but are challenged with not always having the energy to do the activities you set out to do?
b) Does your appetite fluctuate from day to day?
c) Do you often crave a ‘less’ healthy snack even though you eat healthy meals throughout the day?
Identity 5 - The Scheduled Eater: “I will schedule my eating to regulate my blood sugar and help me maintain my physical, emotional, and mental stability throughout the day.”
a) Does your mood and productivity wane or become less stable as the day goes on?
b) Do you thrive when you are organized and systems are in place?
c) Would you benefit from short but scheduled breaks in the day to manage blood sugar levels?
Identity 6 - The Exceptional Eater: “I will know what meals are balanced and appeal to my limited palate and will also meet my caloric goal.”
a) If you knew that the foods you ate every day would be easy to digest and leave you satiated, would you feel less stress around eating?
b) Do you like the idea of having set meals that you can trust will maintain your health and not leave you wondering what you should eat everyday?
c) Do you like the idea of spending less time on food prep/eating, and more time on doing other things in life that inspire you?
Identity 7 - The Mindful Eater: “I will reduce my anxiety around eating by listening to my body’s hunger cues, scheduling regular eating times, and eating enough calories to keep me stable.”
a) Do you struggle with ‘Food Bias’ (i.e., labelling foods as ‘good’ or ‘bad’), and feel anxious around mealtime?
b) Do you like the idea of having guidelines to follow to help you regulate your eating, help you choose foods that give you confidence, and give you control over your eating?
c) Are you a person who is looking for ways to centre their lives, improve lifestyle and find a happy balance?
Identity 8 - The Self-Aware Eater: “I will focus on the steps I need to be successful; I will avoid being overwhelmed with a goal that feels too hard to achieve.”
a) Do you feel that you have a healthy eating approach but can’t figure out how to achieve your ideal size?
b) Do you feel that what you need to do to achieve your ideal size is too difficult or too big a commitment?
c) Are you confused by all the nutritional information that is being projected through media, advertising and / or health gurus?
Identity 9 - The Focussed Eater: “I will focus on the foods that my body responds well to and therefore help minimize my inflammation.”
a) Do you believe that your body is sensitive, allergic, or resistant to the foods that you are wanting to eat?
b) Do you feel that you can’t achieve your ideal size because you are unable to exercise due to pain, discomfort, or inflammation?
c) Do you wish someone could just come up with a diet that is perfect for you to help you get back on track to good health?
Immediate Success Measure: How are you going to measure your immediate success?
Choose one Success Measure (suggestions in parentheses):
Success Measure 1 - # of Fasting Days on a weekly basis. (Fasting Eater)
Success Measure 2 - # of Days meeting Caloric Goal. (Exceptional Eater)
Success Measure 3 - # of Days I listened to my body’s eating cues. (Self-Aware Eater)
Success Measure 4 - # of Days I stayed between Caloric Goal and Caloric Need or within the green and yellow zones. (All Eaters)
Success Measure 5 - # of Days I tracked - at least three meals/day on the Calendar. (Prepared Eater)
Success Measure 6 - # of Days I was ‘physically active’ and consumed the necessary calories. (Balanced Eater)
Success Measure 7 - # of Days I had a comfortable bowel movement of good consistency. (Scheduled Eater)
Success Measure 8 - # of Days my Balance Factor stayed within a 20pt range. (Balanced or Scheduled Eater)
Success Measure 9 - # of Days I felt in control of my eating. (Mindful Eater)
Success Measure 10 - # of Meals that my body had minimal to no adverse reactions. (Focussed Eater)
Outcome Indicator: “How” to measure progress.
Choose one Outcome Indicator:
Outcome Indicator 1
- measure
Waist to Hip Ratio (WHR)
with a measuring tape. This measures the hourglass shape and a reduction in risk of disease.
Outcome Indicator 2
- measure
Girth Measurements
with a measuring tape to record reduction in body size
Outcome Indicator 3
- measure
Body Size
using Clothing Indicators
Outcome Indicator 4
- measure
Mental and Emotional Stability
using the Anxiety Trend Program
Outcome Indicator 5
- measure
Improved Sleep Patterns
using the Sleep Trend Program
Outcome Indicator 6
- measure
Reduced Weight Fluctuations
using a scale (if you must use the scale!)
Outcome Indicator 7
- measure
Reduced Inflammation
using the Inflammation/Pain Trend Program
Outcome Indicator 8
- measure
Body Definition
using physical landmarks and photos
Troubleshooting Issue: “Where” to anticipate challenges upon continuing the program.
Choose one Troubleshooting Issue:
Troubleshooting Issue 1 - “I will want to avoid certain foods (e.g., packaged food) to sustain a healthy eating style and get the results I am looking for.”
Troubleshooting Issue 2 - “I will want to eat less because, as I lose weight, my Caloric Need will also be less.”
Troubleshooting Issue 3 - “I am concerned I will hit another roadblock when the time I have allotted for meal prep is compromised by my busy schedule.”
Troubleshooting Issue 4 - “I am concerned about becoming bored with the same diet, and not keeping focussed on eating.”
Troubleshooting Issue 5 - “I will ‘fall off the wagon’ and feel like a failure when I am celebrating a special occasion or am out of my normal routine.”
Troubleshooting Issue 6 - “When I get stressed, I will forget to eat, consume most of my calories at the end of the day and binge eat into the night.”
Troubleshooting Issue 7 - “The potential for overeating when I socialize concerns me.”
Troubleshooting Issue 8 - “I am not sure that I can stay the course if I have to witness my body softening and feeling flabby before my clothes start fitting better.”
Troubleshooting Issue 9 - “I will want to hop on the scale when I start noticing positive changes in my body.”
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