Tag: dietary fat

Dietary Fat

Is Your Hard Canadian Butter Really That Big of a Deal?

The late Dr. Mary Enig, renowned for her expertise on fats, nailed it when she called her book, Know Your Fats!  It’s not an easy read but if you can understand the chemistry of fatty acids – those molecules that make up fats – you will understand why this issue around Canadians thinking their hard

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Dietary Fat

Staying Off the Dairy/Gluten/Soy-Free Bandwagon

It happens without warning. Foods eaten over an entire lifetime or praised for their nutritional benefits can suddenly trigger an acute inflammatory response. Typically, abdominal discomfort and digestive issues occur and the finger gets pointed at the usual suspects: dairy, gluten, and/or soy. Is jumping on the dairy/gluten/soy-free bandwagon the right answer?  Not necessarily. Understanding

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